Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Developing the Leader Within You - Staff Development

This is a summary of the lessons contained in John C. Maxwell's book titled Developing the Leader Within you.

As I shared in the first lesson of this book, Maxwell states: The key to success in an endeavor is the ability to lead others successfully. And, as we have heard before, Everything rises and falls on leadership.

Fortunately, leadership can be taught. Leadership is not an exclusive club for those who were "born with it." The traits that are the raw materials of leadership can be acquired. Link them up with desire and nothing can keep you from becoming a leader. Maxwell's book will supply the leadership principles. Each of us must supply the desire.

There has always been a great deal of confusion over the difference between "leadership" and "management." Management is the process of assuring that the program and objectives of the organization are implemented. Leadership, on the other hand, has to do with casting vision and motivating people.

John W. Gardner, former Secretary of the US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, has pinpointed five characteristics that set "leader managers" apart from "run-of-the-mill managers" :
  1. Leader Managers are long-term thinkers who see beyond the day's crisis and the quarterly report.
  2. Leader Managers' interests in their companies do not stop with the units they head. They want to know how all of the company's departments affect one another, and they are constantly reaching beyond their specific areas of influence.
  3. Leader Managers put heavy emphasis on vision, values, and motivation.
  4. Leader Managers have strong political skills to cope with conflicting requirements of multiple constituents.
  5. Leader Managers don't accept the status quo.
People don't want to be managed. They want to be lead.

The following is a summary of the ten chapters of the book, and consequently, the ten traits of leadership.

Chapter #1 = Influence: The Definition of Leadership
Chapter #2 = Priorities: The Key to Leadership
Chapter #3 = Integrity: The Most Important Ingredient of Leadership
Chapter #4 = Creating Positive Change: The Ultimate Test of Leadership
Chapter #5 = Problem-Solving: The Quickest Way to Gain Leadership
Chapter #6 = Attitude: The Extra Plus in Leadership
Chapter #7 = People: Developing Your Most Appreciable Asset
Chapter #8 = Vision: The Indispensable Quality of Leadership
Chapter #9 = Self-Discipline: The Price Tag of Leadership
Chapter #10 = Staff Development: The Most Important Lesson of Leadership

Donald G Rosenbarger
Senior Vice President
Delta Companies Inc

Monday, October 2, 2017

Developing the Leader Within You - Staff Development

We will continue our leadership journey, learning new skills and refreshing old ones, with John C. Maxwell's book Developing the Leader Within You.

The Most Important Lesson of Leadership: Staff Development

The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership.

Those closest to the leader will determine the level of success for that leader.
  • Leaders who continue to grow personally and bring growth to their organizations will influence many and develop a successful team around them.
  • The better the players, the better the leader.
  • Few people are successful unless a lot of people want them to be.
A Picture of a Winning Teams

Winning teams...
  • Have great leaders
  • Pick good people
  • Play to win
  • Make other team members more successful
  • Keep improving
Let's explore each of these traits.

Winning Teams Have Great Leaders.
  • Everything rises and falls on leadership. There are two ways you can get others to do what you want: You can compel them to do it or you can persuade them.
  • Persuading requires an understanding of what makes people tick and what motivates them; that is, a knowledge of human nature.
  • If you understand what motivates people, you have at your command the most powerful tool for dealing with people.
Excellent leaders create the right environment.
  • They believe in their team. This creates an environment for success.
  • The best way to gain and hold loyalty of your personnel is to show interest in and care for them by your words and actions.
Excellent leaders know basic human needs.

Excellent leaders keep control of the "Big 3."
  • Three areas are crucial to the leader's authority and success:
    1. Finance: because the finance staff is a prime means of exercising executive control in any organization.
    2. Personnel: because the selection of people will determine the organization.
    3. Planning: because this area determines the future of the organization.
Excellent leaders avoid the "Seven Deadly Sins."
  1. Trying to be liked rather than respected.
  2. Not asking team members for advice and help.
  3. Thwarting personal talent by emphasizing rules rather than skills.
  4. Not keeping criticism constructive.
  5. Not developing a sense of responsibility in team members.
  6. Treating everyone the same.
  7. Failing to keep people informed.
Winning Teams Pick Good People.
  • "Eagles don't flock. You have to find them one at a time." H. Ross Perot
  • There are five principles for picking people that will help you get the best candidates on your team.
    1. The smaller the organization, the more important the hiring.
    2. Know what kind of person you need (personal requirements).
    3. Know what the job requires.
    4. Know what the potential staff members wants.
    5. When you cannot afford to hire the best, hire the young who are going to be the best.
Winning Teams Play to Win.
  • The difference between playing to win and playing to not lose is the difference between success and mediocrity.
  • Winning teams are seldom more talented than losing teams. But they are always more committed. They want to win. They pay the price, and go after victory.
Winning Teams Make Their Team Member Successful.
  • There are significant ways to engage in better team-building.
    • Know the key to each player.
    • Map out a team mission.
    • Define the role of each player.
    • Create a group identity.
    • Use liberal doses of "we" and "our."
    • Communicate with everyone.
Winning Teams Keep Improving.
  • Whenever an organization is through improving, it's through!
  • Continued success is a result of continued improvement.
  • The first objective of the leader is to develop people, not to dismiss them.
    • Studies have shown that day-to-day coaching, rather than comprehensive annual appraisals, is most effective for improving performance.
    • This coaching process has two crucial components: setting specific objectives and holding frequent progressive reviews.
    • Objectives should specify end results, the exact extent of achievement the manager expects, and should be tied to a timetable.
    • It is critical that the manager make clear that certain outcomes are expected and the subordinate will be held accountable for them.
    • Remember: performance, not just effort, is the yardstick for meeting objectives.
    • Frequent progress reviews accomplish three things:
      • First, they serve as a continual reminder that reaching the objectives is important to the person's career.
      • Second, reviews give the manager a chance to recognize positive movement towards objectives.
      • Third, if progress is not forthcoming, the manager can listen to the reasons for lack of performance and attempt to get the subordinate on track. The review becomes a problem-solving session.
  • Obviously, the optimum scenario is to interview well, hire well, and then begin to develop your staff to reach their - and you - greatest potential.
This is the last chapter of Maxwell's book. Next time, we will review the ten chapters of his book.

Donald G Rosenbarger
Senior Vice President
Delta Companies Inc

Friday, September 29, 2017

Developing the Leader Within You - Self-Discipline

We will continue our leadership journey, learning new skills and refreshing old ones, with John C. Maxwell's book Developing the Leader Within You.

The Price Tag of Leadership: Self-Discipline.

All great leaders have understood that their number one responsibility was for their own discipline and personal growth. If they could not lead themselves, they could not lead others.

Leaders can never take others farther than they have gone themselves, for no one can travel without until he or she has first traveled within. A great person will lead a great organization, but growth is only possible when the leader is willing to "pay the price" for it.

The Process for Developing Personal Discipline
  • Start with yourself
    • Maxwell observes that more potential leaders fail because of inner issues than outer issues.
    • Most of us can relate to a sign Maxwell once saw: "if you could kick the person responsible for most of your troubles, you wouldn't be able to sit down for weeks."
    • When we are foolish we want to conquer the world. When we are wise we want to conquer ourselves.
  • Start early.
    • Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the things you have to do, when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not; it is the first lesson that ought to be learned and, however early a man's training begins, it is probably the last lesson that he learns thoroughly.
    • Hard work is the accumulation of easy things you didn't do when you should have.
  • Start small.
    • What you are going to be tomorrow, you are becoming today.
    • It is essential to begin developing self-discipline in a small way today in order to be disciplined in a big way tomorrow.
    • Remember, having it all doesn't mean having it all at once. It takes time. Start small and concentrate on today.
  • Start now.
    • Great leaders never set themselves above their followers except in carrying out responsibilities.
    • "The will to succeed is important, but i'll tell you what's more important: it's the will to prepare. It's the will to go out there every day training and building those muscles and sharpening those skills." Bobby Knight, Indiana University Basketball Coach
    • "I will get ready and then perhaps my chance will come." Abraham Lincoln
  • Organize your life.
    • "Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it's not all mixed up." Christopher Robin in Winnie the Pooh
    • Top ten list for personal organization
      1. Set your priorities
      2. Place your priorities in your calendar.
      3. Allow a little time for the unexpected.
      4. Do projects one at a time.
      5. Organize your work space.
      6. Work according to your temperament.
      7. Use your driving time for light work and growth.
      8. Develop systems that work for you.
      9. Always have a plan for those minutes between meetings.
      10. Focus on results, not the activity.
  • Welcome responsibility.
    • Be responsible for who you are.
    • Be responsible for what you do.
    • Be responsible for what you have received.
    • Be responsible to those you lead.
  • Accept accountability.
    • Human nature cannot handle unchecked power.
      • "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." Abraham Lincoln
    • Leaders can easily be separated from their people.
    • Develop integrity.
      • I will live what I teach.
      • I will do what I say.
      • I will be honest with others.
      • I will put what is best for others ahead of what is best for me.
      • I will be transparent and vulnerable.
  • Pay now, play later.
    • There are two paths that people can take. They can either play now and pay later or pay now and play later. Regardless of the choices, one thing is certain - life will demand a payment.
    • "I've never known a man worth his salt who in the long run, deep down in his heart, didn't appreciate the grind, the discipline. I firmly believe that any man's finest hour - this greatest fulfillment to all he holds dear - is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious." Vince Lombardi, Green Bay Packers Football Coach
  • Become character driven instead of emotion driven.
    • It is not doing the things we like to do, but doing the things we have to do that causes growth and makes us successful.
    • Success depends not merely on how well you do the things you enjoy, but how conscientiously you perform those duties you don't.
    • Successful people are willing to do things unsuccessful people will not do.
    • Good character is not given to us. We have to build it piece by piece - by thought, choice, courage, and determination. This will only be accomplished with a disciplined life-style.
Next time, we will look into the most important lesson of leadership: STAFF DEVELOPMENT.

Donald G Rosenbarger
Senior Vice President
Delta Companies Inc

Developing the Leader Within You - Vision : Part 2

We will continue our leadership journey, learning new skills and refreshing old ones, with John C. Maxwell's book Developing the Leader Within You.

All great leaders possess two things: They know where they are going. They are able to persuade others to follow.

This chapters of Maxwell's book discusses the power of a strong clear vision. Last time, we discusses Vision Statements. This time, we will explore the two kinds of vision ownership.

Personal Ownership Of A Vision
  • The focus must be on the leader - like leader, like people.
    • Followers find the leader and then the vision. Leaders find the vision and then the people.
    Look Within You : What do you feel?
    • "The very essence of leadership is that you have a vision. It's got to be a vision you can articulate clearly and forcefully on every occasion. You can't blow an uncertain trumpet." Theodore Hesburgh
    • A person with a vision talks little but does much.
    • A person with a vision finds strength from inner convictions. A person with a vision continues when problems arise.
    Look Ahead of You: What is the big picture?

    • Leaders are concerned with the organization's basic purpose - why it exists and what it should achieve.
    Look Beside You: What resources are available to you?
    • A vision should be greater than the person who has it. Its accomplishment must be the result of many people bringing many resources to the job.
    • The experienced leader is always looking for others to make the dream come true.
    • The leader continually passes on the vision to those who come around, knowing that dreams, if presented right, are contagious.

    Corporate Ownership Of A Vision

    • One fact is true: leaders who effectively communicate goals to their followers achieve far more than those who don't.
    • Successful leaders see on three levels:
      • Level 1 Perception: Seeing what is now with the eyes of reality.
      • Level 2 Probability: Seeing what will be with the eyes of discernment.
      • Level 3 Possibility: Seeing what can be with the eyes of vision.
    Understanding What Hinders A Vision - Level 1

    We see things, not as they are, but as we are.

    There are ten types of people who usually hinder the vision of the organization.

    1. Limited Leaders
    2. Concrete Thinkers
    3. Dogmatic Talkers
    4. Continual Losers
    5. Satisfied Sitters
    6. Tradition Lovers
    7. Census Takers
    8. Problem Perceivers
    9. Self-Seekers
    10. Failure Forecasters
    Setting The Proper Environment - Level 2

    Knowing people and the keys to their lives will allow the leader to go to the "next picture" in Level 2. It is essential that the leader begin to influence what will be seen by the people.

    Come alongside of them.
    • People don't care how much you see until they see how much you care.
    • People don't buy into the leader before they buy into that leader's vision.
    • Remember, when you help people get what they want, they will help you get what you want. This can only be accomplished by building strong relationships with people.
    Paint the picture for them.
    • Every great vision has certain ingredients, and the great leader makes the people understand, appreciate, and "see" them.
    • If the picture is painted clearly and shown continually, soon others will begin to see how it fits into everything they do. They will have a vision mind-set.
    Put the things they love in the picture.
    • People carry pictures of other people and things they love. Put what is important to the people within the frame of the vision and you will have transferred the vision to the people.
    Opening Eyes To Possibilities - Level 3

    On this level we need to ask ourselves how to grow people to the size of the vision. This represents the one thing the leader must continually do ... grow people to the vision once they see it.

    Vision is empowering to the leader who has it.

    The leader with vision believe not only that what he envisions can be done, but that it must be done.

    Next time, we will look into the price tag of leadership - SELF-DISCIPLINE.

    Donald G Rosenbarger
    Senior Vice President
    Delta Companies Inc

    Wednesday, August 16, 2017

    Developing the Leader Within You - Vision : Part 1

    We will continue our leadership journey, learning new skills and refreshing old ones, with John C. Maxwell's book Developing the Leader Within You.

    All great leaders possess two things: They know where they are going, and, They are able to persuade others to follow.

    This chapter of Maxwell's book discusses the power of a strong clear vision.

    Vision Statements

    People do what people see.

    In other words, people depend on visual stimulation for growth. Couple a vision with a leader willing to implement that dream and a movement begins. People do not follow a dream in itself. They follow the leader who has that dream and the ability to communicate it effectively.

    Four Vision-Levels of People.

    1. Some people never see it. (They are wanderers.)
    2. Some people see it but never pursue it on their own. (They are followers.)
    3. Some people see it and pursue it. (They are achievers.)
    4. Some people see it and pursue it and help others see it. (They are leaders.)
    You See What You Are Prepared To See.

    Leaders can never take their people farther than they have traveled. Like leader, like people.

    We see what we are prepared to see, not what is. Every successful leader understands this about people and ask three questions:
    • What do others see?
    • Why do they see it that way?
    • How can I change their perception?

    What You See Is What You Get.

    Bobbi Biehl, in his book Increasing Your Leadership Confidence, says, "Keep in mind the difference between a winner's and a loser's mentality. Winners focus on winning big - not just how to win, but how to win big. Losers, however, don't focus on losing; they just focus on getting by!"

    Keep asking yourself, "Survival, success, or significance?" are you striving to simply survive, are you dreaming about success, or are you really out to make a truly significant difference?

    Next time, we will explore the two kinds of "ownership" of a vision.

    Donald G Rosenbarger
    Senior Vice President
    Delta Companies Inc

    Monday, August 14, 2017

    Developing the Leader Within You - People : Part 3

    We will continue our leadership journey, learning new skills and refreshing old ones, with John C. Maxwell's book Developing the Leader Within You.

    The more people you develop, the greater the extent of your vision.

    This chapter of Maxwell's book  will focus on the importance of developing people to share in and assist you with implementation of your vision as a leader.

    In the last two lessors, we discussed the three traits of Successful People Developers. In this lessor, we will discuss People Development Principles.

    People Development Principles
    1. People development takes time.
      • "There is something that is much more scarce, something raver than ability. It is the ability to recognize ability." - Robert Half
    2. People skills are essential for success.
      • The center for Creative Leadership studied successful executives and found the following
        1. They admitted their mistakes and accepted the consequences, rather than trying to blame others.
        2. They were able to get along with a wide variety of people.
        3. They had strong interpersonal skills, sensitivity to others, and tact.
        4. They were calm and confident, rather than moody and volatile.
      • "The most important single ingredient to the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people." - Teddy Roosevelt
    3. Be a model that others can follow.
      • The number one motivational principle in the world is: People do what people see.
      • The speed of the leader determines the speed of the followers.
      • People's mind are changed more through observation than through arguments.
    4. Lead others by looking through their eyes.
      • "We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing; while others judge us by what we have already done." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
    5. Leaders must care for people before they can develop them.
      • Too often leaders request commitment from people without showing them proper care.
      • High achievers view subordinates optimistically, while low achievers showed a basic distrust of subordinates' abilities.
      • High achievers seek advice from their subordinates; low achievers don't.
      • High achievers are listeners; moderate achievers listen only to superiors; low achievers avoid communication and rely on policy manuals.
    6. People developers look for opportunities to build up people.
      • The following are actions that good leaders avoid:
        1. Failure to give credit for suggestions.
        2. Failure to correct grievances.
        3. Failure to encourage.
        4. Criticizing employees in front of other people.
        5. Failure to ask employees their opinion.
        6. Failure to ask employees of their progress.
        7. Favoritism.
    7. The greatest potential for growth of a company is growth of its people.
      • According to William J.H. Boetcker, people divide themselves into four classes:
        1. Those who always do less than they are told.
        2. Those who will do what they are told, but no more.
        3. Those who will do things without being told.
        4. Those who will inspire others to do things.
      • "Trust men and they will be true to you; treat them greatly and they will show themselves great." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
    Next time, we will look into the indispensable quality of leadership - VISION.

    Donald G Rosenbarger
    Senior Vice President
    Delta Companies Inc

    Developing the Leader Within You - People : Part 2

    We will continue our leadership journey, learning new skills and refreshing old ones, with John C. Maxwell's book Developing the Leader Within You.

    The more people you develop, the greater the extent of your vision.

    This chapter of Maxwell's book will focus on the importance of developing people to share in and assist you with implementation of your vision as a leader. 

    Last time we discussed the first trait of Successful People Developers ... Make the Right Assumptions About People. In this lesson, we will discuss the remaining two traits.

    Successful People Developers ... Ask the Right Questions About People
    • Am I building people or am I building my dream and using people to do it?
      • Manipulation is moving together for my advantage.
      • Motivation is moving together for mutual advantage.
    • Do I care enough to confront people when it will make a difference?
      • Clarify the issue instead of confronting the person.
      • The Ten Commandments of Confrontation:
        1. Do it privately, not publicly.
        2. Do it as soon as possible.
        3. Speak to one issue at a time.
        4. Once you've made a appoint don't keep repeating it.
        5. Deal only with actions the person can change.
        6. Avoid sarcasm.
        7. Avoid works like always and never.
        8. Present criticisms as suggestions or questions if possible.
        9. Don't apologize for the confrontational meeting.
        10. Don't forget the compliments.
    • Am I listening to people with more than my ears; am I hearing more than words?
      • What most people really want is to be listened to, respected, and understood.
      • The moment people see that they are being understood, they become more motivated to understand your point of view.
    • What are the major strengths of this individual?
      • Anyone who continually has to work in areas of personal weakness instead of personal strength will not stay motivated.
    • Have I placed a high priority on the job?
      • People tend to stay motivated when they see the importance of the things they are asked to do.
      • The five most encouraging words in an organization are: "It will make a difference."
    • Have I shown the value the person will receive from this relationship?
      • People tend to stay motivated when they see the value to them of the things they are asked to do.
      • "What's in it for me?"
    Successful People Developers ... Give the Right Assistance to People

    • I need to work out their strengths and work on their weaknesses.
      • Some of the most capable people in an organization never utilize their greatest strengths. But they may never get an opportunity to do what they can do best. When this happens, everybody loses.
    • I must give them myself.
      • You can impress people at a distance but you can only impact them up close.
      • Encourage the many; mentor the few.
      • Be transparent with them.
      • Develop a plan for their growth.
      • Become a team.
    • I must give them ownership.
      • People want to be appreciated, not impressed.
    • I must give them every chance for success.
      • An excellent atmosphere to work in.
      • The right tools to work with.
      • A continual training program to work under.
      • Excellent people to work for. Develop a team.
      • A compelling vision to work toward.
    Next time, we will explore the remaining levels of leadership.

    Donald G Rosenbarger
    Senior Vice President
    Delta Companies Inc