Friday, December 27, 2013


Continuing with lessons from Wally Adamchik's book, titled Construction Leadership from A to Z which explores "26 Words to Lead By."

This session's word is YIELD


Yield - to give way to influence, entreaty, argument; cease resisting

"You got to know when to hold'em, know when to fold'em, know when to walk away, know when to run." - Kenny Rogers, The Gambler>

As a leader, you face challenges every day. Some are easily overcome; others, not so easily. The art is in knowing the difference.

Clearly there are some causes worth fighting for. But there are many worth not fighting for. In Shakespeare's Henry IV, Falstaff tells us, "The better part of valour is discretion; in which the better part I have saved my life."

The concept of losing the battle to win the war is not new. Sun Tzu wrote of this in the sixth century B.C. In fact, it is one of the keys to success for leaders. Time simply doesn't allow you to do everything you think you need to do. Your inbox is full, and there are people who don't see things your way. In an ideal world, you would address all of these things. Reality is different. Sometimes you need to know when to walk away.

(c) Stuart Miles
"We lost the American colonies because we lacked the statesmanship to know the right time and the manner of yielding what is impossible to keep." - Elizabeth II

Yield Jumpstart:
  • Recognize you don't have to win every battle. Some simply do not have the need to be fought.
  • Ask yourself if the fight is worth giving a piece of your life to.
  • Delegate.
  • You can be happy or right.

The heavy snowfall a week ago certainly gives this lesson a dose of reality. Anxious to get the walk and driveway cleared, I considered grabbing my snow shovel. (Yes, I have a snow shovel...and I know how to use it!) But, is that really a battle I need to win? Is that fight worth giving (possibly) my life to? Nope. That's when I decided to take the time and make the effort to get my snow blower ready to go. (Yes, I have a snow blower too!)

In short, let's choose to yield the battles that are not worth fighting, today and every day!

Donald G Rosenbarger
Senior Vice President
Delta Companies Inc

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