Thursday, October 2, 2014

"Seven Sabotaging Team Behaviors" via Reach-EAP & Workplace Solutions

Leadership extends beyond the boundaries of the workplace. So do responsibilities, stresses, and just life in general. Delta Companies, Inc. strives to maintain a great rappaport with all our Delta employees (Family). We know life can be overwhelming at times, so in this respect, Delta offers an employee assistance program through Reach-EAP & Workplace Solutions. The program provides confidential, professional assistance to help employees and their families resolve problems that affect their personal lives or job performance. The initial program assessment and counseling services are free to all employees and family members - and are strictly confidential. For more information, visit

Reach-EAP & Workplace Solutions also provides monthly newsletters (available for all Family members via the Employee Portal) and maintain a blog which supply helpful information for professional and personal use. Below is an article from October's Employee newsletter which relates to our ever expanding knowledge regarding TEAMWORK:

Seven Sabotaging Team Behaviors

Common complaints among teams include only a few doing the work and people coming late to meetings, but dozens of other problems also undermine teams. Consider whether any of these saboteurs of teamwork affect your productivity:

  1. Not showing commitment when the going gets tough.
  2. Not saying what you're thinking and feeling.
  3. Not follow the adage, "listen first to understand, and speak to be understood".
  4. Not performing as promised.
  5. Letting others make decisions.
  6. Not starting your meeting with a quick discussion of "What do we want to accomplish in the meeting?".
  7. Failure to establish a ritual or convention that encourages any member to immediately point out discussions or digressions that are off task.
These are very common - and sometimes easily fixed - problems when it comes to giving your all to the team.

How do you feel about the "Seven Sabotaging Team Behaviors"? Are they relevant to your workplace - whether it is describing a problem you face with co-workers or if it is a problem your co-workers may use to describe your behavior (be honest!).

Next time you feel you or your co-workers are having possible issues, take a step back from the situation, review the list, and take the necessary steps to correct the problem(s) and watch how communication (and tolerance) grows!

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