Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The 21 Indispesable Qualities of a Leader - Vision

We continue our learning and growing with the lessons contained in John C. Maxwell’s book titled The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader. This book carries the subtitle: "Becoming the Person Others Will Want to Follow".

Everything rises and falls on leadership. And leadership truly develops from the inside out. If you can become the leader you ought to be on the inside, you will be able to become the leader you want to be on the outside. People will want to follow you.

Quality #21 - Vision: you can seize only what you see.

“The future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious."
- John Scully, Former CEO of Pepsi and Apple Computer

Vision is everything for a leader. It is utterly indispensable. Why? Because vision leads the leader.

To get a handle on vision and how it comes to be a part of a good leader's life, understand these things:
  1. Vision Starts Within.
    1. For Walt Disney, vision was never a problem. Because of his creativity and desire for excellence, he always saw what could be.
    2. If you lack vision, look inside yourself.
    3. Draw on your natural gifts and desires. Look to your calling if you have one.
  2. Vision Draws on Your History.
    From Pinterest
    1. Vision isn't some mystical quality that comes out of a vacuum, as some people seem to believe.
    2. It grows from a leader's past and the history of the people around him.
  3. Vision Meets Others' Needs.
    1. True vision is far-reaching. It goes beyond what one individual can accomplish.
    2. And if it has real value, it does more than just include others; it adds value to them.
    3. If you have a vision that doesn't serve others, it's probably too small.
  4. Vision Helps You Gather Resources.
    1. One of the most valuable benefits of vision is that it acts like a magnet - attracting, challenging, and uniting people.
    2. The greater the vision, the more winners it has the potential to attract.
    3. The more challenging the vision, the harder the participants fight to achieve it.

To find the vision that is indispensable to leadership, you have to become a good listener. You must listen to several voices:
  1. The Inner Voice
              Vision starts within.
  2. The Unhappy Voice
               Discontent with the status quo is a great catalyst for vision. 
  3. The Successful Voice
               Nobody can accomplish great things alone.
               To fulfill a big vision, you need a good team.
  4. The Higher Voice
“The first thing you do is teach the person that the vision is very important and nearly impossible. That draws out the drive in winners."
-Edwin Land, Founder of Polaroid

Bringing it home:
  1. Measure Yourself.
    1. Talk to several key people, such as your spouse, a close friend, and key employees, asking them to state what they think your vision is.
    2. If they can articulate it, then you are probably living it.
  2. Write it Down.
    1. Writing clarifies your thinking.
  3. Do a Gut Check.
    1. What makes you cry?
    2. What makes you dream?
    3. What gives you energy?
Donald G Rosenbarger
Senior Vice President
Delta Companies Inc

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