Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Qualities of a Team Player - ENTHUSIASTIC

We are continuing our growth by developing teamwork skills utilizing the lessons contained in John C. Maxwell’s book titled The 17 Essential Qualities of a Team Player. This book carries the subtitle “Becoming the kind of person every team wants”. Developing a better team always begins with the individuals. To improve the team, improve the individuals on the team.

Quality #9: Enthusiastic - your heart is the source of energy for the team.

(c) jesadaphorn
"I feel sorry for the person who can't get genuinely excited about his work. Not only will he never be satisfied, but he will never achieve anything worthwhile." - Walter Chrysler

There is no substitute for enthusiasm. When members of a team are enthusiastic, the whole team becomes highly energized. And that energy produces power.

"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"People can succeed at almost anything for which they have enthusiasm." - Charles Schwab

Think about people who bring an enthusiastic attitude to teamwork and you will realize that they:
  1. Take Responsibility for Their Own Enthusiasm
    1. Successful people understand that attitude is a choice - and that includes enthusiasm.
    2. If you want to be positive, upbeat, and passionate, you need to take responsibility for being that way.
    3. Elbert Hubbard said, "The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today."
  2. Act Their Way into Feeling
    1. You cannot win if you do not begin.
    2. Positive people are positive because they choose to be.
  3. Believe in What You Do
    1. Believing in what you do and focusing on those positive beliefs will help you to act and to speak positively about what you are doing. That helps to spark the fire of enthusiasm inside you, and once that starts, all you need to do is to keep feeding the flames.
  4. Spend Time with Other Enthusiastic People
    1. Denis Waitley says, "Enthusiasm is contagious. It's difficult to remain neutral or indifferent in the presence of a positive thinker."
    2. Enthusiasm increases a person's accomplishments while apathy increases his alibis.
To improve your enthusiasm:
  • Show a sense of urgency
  • Be willing to do more
  • Strive for excellence

Donald G Rosenbarger
Senior Vice President
Delta Companies Inc

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