Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Qualities of a Team Player - PREPARED

We are continuing our growth by developing teamwork skills utilizing the lessons contained in John C. Maxwell’s book titled The 17 Essential Qualities of a Team Player. This book carries the subtitle “Becoming the kind of person every team wants”. Developing a better team always begins with the individuals. To improve the team, improve the individuals on the team.

Quality #12: Prepared - preparation can mean the difference between winning and losing.

"Spectacular achievements come from unspectacular preparation." - Roger Staubach

"It's better to prepare than to repair." - John C. Maxwell

"The man who is prepared has his battle half-fought." - Miguel De Cervantes

As the saying goes, "You can claim to be surprised once; after that, you're unprepared."

Preparation may not guarantee a win, but it sure puts you in position for one.
(c) Stuart Miles

If you want to prepare yourself so that you can help your team as it faces the challenges ahead, then think about the following:
  1. Assessment
    1. Preparation begins with knowing what you're preparing for.
    2. And you need to determine what price you will have to pay to get there.
  2. Alignment
    1. Good alignment makes success possible. Bad alignment makes success impossible - no matter how much you prepare.
    2. You can't just work hard. You have to do the right work.
  3. Attitude
    1. To succeed in any endeavor, you must do your homework to take care of the mental aspects of your game.
    2. If you believe in yourself and your teammates, then you set yourself up for success.
  4. Action
    1. Remember this: courage has no greater ally than preparation, and fear has no greater enemy.
    2. Henry Ford observed, "Before everything else, getting ready is the secret of success."
To improve your preparedness:
  • Become a process thinker.
  • Do more research.
  • Learn from your mistakes.

Donald G Rosenbarger
Senior Vice President
Delta Companies Inc

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