Monday, January 27, 2014

Qualities of a Team Player - ADAPTABLE

In 2013, we reviewed enhanced our leadership skills with lessons from Wally Adamchik's book, titled Construction Leadership from A to Z which explores "26 Words to Lead By."

For 2014, we will continue to learn and grow by developing teamwork skills utilizing the lessons contained in John C. Maxwell’s book titled The 17 Essential Qualities of a Team Player. This book carries the subtitle “Becoming the kind of person every team wants”. Developing a better team always begins with the individuals. To improve the team, improve the individuals on the team.

Quality #1: Adaptable - if you will not change for the team, the team may change you.

Teamwork and personal rigidity just do not mix.

"The individual who will succeed and flourish will also be masters of change; adept at reorienting their own and others' activities in untried directions to bring about higher levels of achievement." - Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Team players who exhibit adaptability have certain characteristics.

Adaptable People Are:
  1. Teachable
    1. Adaptable people always place a high priority on breaking new ground.
    2. Unteachable people have a difficult time with change, and as a result they never adapt well.
  2. Emotionally Secure
    1. Secure people are not made nervous by change itself. They evaluate a new situation or a change in their responsibilities based on its merit.
  3. Creative
    1. Creativity is another quality you find in adaptable people. When difficult times come, they find a way.
    2. Creativity fosters adaptability.
  4. Service Minded
    1. "Doing nothing for others is the undoing of one's self." - Horace Mann.
    2. If your goal is to serve the team, adapting to accomplish that goal is not difficult.
The first key to being a team player is being will to adapt yourself to the team - not an expectation that the team will adapt to you!

To become more adaptable:
  • Get into the habit of learning.
  • Reevaluate your role.
  • Think outside the lines. Not why it cannot be done by how it can be done.

Donald G Rosenbarger
Senior Vice President
Delta Companies Inc

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